The Ritual : Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

Reading Jane Austen will instantly slow down the rythm of any 21st century reader. But only when consciously allowing the Regency lifestyle to enter your life, will you be able to trully experience an afternoon in an enchanted realm. Welcome to my moment of Sense and Sensibility…

A classic cream tea

No Jane Austen novel should be finished without enjoying at least one cream tea ritual along the way. The origin of this afternoon spread is uncertain, but since we have taken the leap into fiction, let’s admit that the tradition first started at Tavistock Abbey in Devon, in the 11th century. The first step we take towards our timeless delight, is making the scones. The process in very simple, and it has that therapeutic quality that baking alone can have. Feeling the ingredients with your hands, working the butter into the flour, you feel joyful and you’re not even half way there. The full recipe is available in the Recipes menu up top.
When it comes to serving, you have some choices to make… Devon and Cornwall have long debated on the best order of ingredients. I will not pick personal sides, but since the novel is set mostly in Devonshire, I will choose to spread to clotted cream first, followed by the strawberry jam. This way, Jane Austen chose, and who can argue with her ?A simple ritual of an afternoon tea, that not only delights the palate, but also satisfies the wondering mind, still prisoner of the book.

A little something… Hand made

Slowing down while still in Jane’s company, I often find myself longing for some old-school activities. Depending on your age and background, you might have still known knitting and embroidery in your childhood. That was the case for me, and for a long time I considered them a necessity, that my mother or my grandmothers did in order to keep the household on a budget. With time, I discovered the pleasure of these activities myself, and nowadays, I am amused at how fashionable they have become. I see women and men knitting on the subway on their way to work, more and more websites and magazines dedicated to the art of the thread. I have been a knitter for many years now, but it wasn’t until recently that I discovered the pleasure of crocheting. I am fortunate enough to take this new hobby on, in the era of YouTube, where you can find a multitude of tutorials, very explicit and easy to follow. Sitting down in my rocking chair, crocheing a new scarf while listening to a radio adaptation of a theater play, is my idea of an afternoon well spent. The modern problems disappear, you light a candle and you go back in time, your only worry being to keep count of your loops…

It’s always easy to experience a reading ritual. All you have to do is decide. And you’ll be elbow deep in scone batter in no time. I hope you’ve enjoyed this Jane Austen inspired moment, and let me know how those scones work out for you.
Until next time, enjoy your reading and your rituals !

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For those of you who wish to start crocheting :

Olga Poltava was the one who helped me understand the logic of crocheting, so that I can start any pattern with confidence :

Fiber Spider has a lot of well documented patterns so you can choose with ease :

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