Scandinavian Advent Calendar DAY 1 : inspiration and Jólabókaflóð

Hello dear friends, and Happy Advent ! Welcome to the first day of our Advent Calendar here on The Ritual of Reading, which I have chosen to dedicate to Scandinavian culture this year. The reasons for my choice could be infinite. Whether for the exceptionally high levels of happiness in Denmark, the world renowned school system in Finland, the delicious salmon of Norway or the famous meatballs of Sweden, there are never-ending reasons to love the great European North. But my inspiration came from the farthest of the 5 countries I chose as guides through this adventure.

Because this is a bookish channel, but one that likes to explore the little rituals that make reading such an incredible undertaking, it was the Icelandic custom of Jólabókaflóð that inspired our Scandinavian exploration.

Jólabókaflóð, which translates roughly into English as ‘the Christmas book flood’, is a tradition that began during World War II once Iceland had gained its independence for Denmark in 1944. Paper was one of the few commodities not rationed during the war, so Icelanders shared their love of books even more as other types of gifts weren’t available. Every year since 1944, the Icelandic book trade has published a catalogue – called ‘Book Bulletin’ – that is sent to every household in the country in mid-November during the Reykjavik Book Fair. People use the catalogue to order books to give friends and family for Christmas.

During the festive season, gifts are opened on December 24th and traditionally, everyone reads the books they have been given straight away, often while drinking hot chocolate or other festive drinks.

I think this is a tradition worthy of a tribe like ours, so in honour of this Icelandic festival that combines reading and Christmas traditions, we shall meet every evening from now until Christmas Eve, to talk about books, food and drinks, DIY projects and lifestyle inspiration from 5 countries that have proven over time their valuable expertise in enjoying the cold winter months.

I should say right from the beginning that I am not a first hand connaisseur of Scandinavian culture, all that I share comes from my research and my curiosity. The novel selection I made doesn’t include the darker literature that Scandinavian writers are famous for, simply because that wasn’t the direction I planned for my Advent Calendar. I will do my best not to butcher pronunciations and to respect to the best of my knowledge the traditions of each country.

In the spirit of the world famous Danish concept of hygge, I invite you to enjoy this month of December with me, as days get shorter and colder, and we rediscover the pleasures of life indoors, while we prepare for a festive end to the year. As with all Advent Calendars, the videos will be shorter than usual, little incentives to inspire your day or evening. I would love to know that after each video you watch, you settle down in front of a cosy fire, with a warm drink and a good book, savouring these simple pleasures of our winter days.

Until tomorrow, enjoy your reading and your rituals !

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