Advent Calendar DAY 2 : Postcards

Christmas cards for happy thoughts

The only moment I miss handwritten letters sent by post is Christmas time.
I remember how excited I was, as a child, to see my parents opening the envelopes in December. I admired the designs, I especially enjoyed the glittery ones and was curious to see what each person had chosen, as that represented a part of their personal taste.

The internet has changed a lot of that, and for the better, but the beauty of a real postcard is, in my opinion, impossible to exchange with a smiley face.
Maybe you never stopped this tradition, I think it depends on the customs and where you currently live, but for me, 2021 is the year I revive this joyful ritual.

Starting with some shopping for postcards.
The choices are infinite, so you’ll have a great time browsing through classical or more contemporary designs, playful cartoons or elegant golden bells. I was lucky enough to find a few designs I love.
These very classical postcards remind me of my childhood, the special effects are minimal and the pictures make me think of old Christmas movies. A slow-living inspiration, that would be perfect for some of my friends…
And for the child hidden in all of us, waiting for Santa, I found two sets of very playful and cosy designs. I know just the right people who would enjoy them…

As for the writing, I am a passionate fountain pen lover, and with that, my collection of inks is rapidly expanding. For such a festive occasion, I will choose a special ink, a beautiful deep green, enriched with a discreet gold shimmer, a combination fit for a celebration.
I am by no means a calligraphy expert, but this type of flat nib will allow the ink to shine better, so I’m going for it…

As for the inspiration… I have no recipe. I take a moment to think of each special person I’m writing to, as I try to send them all my good thoughts and vibes, packed in a few words.

It’s one of the first things to get done in December, so that the post-office can take care of everything in time. It might not seem much, but spending a few hours to actually write down happy thoughts and wishes for others, is lifting my spirits tremendously. I highly recommend it.

Until tomorrow, I leave you with a hint for the next video : getting to know Santa Claus…

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